Tyce had his first year of preschool this year. It was in the basement of a girl from our church. She was so fun! I am so glad that he gets to go back to her next year! Tyce can be a tough nut to crack but once you get him going its hard to get him to stop. So I am glad that he doesn't have to start all over with a new teacher next year.
They sang a bunch of cute songs and I was impressed that Tyce actually mouthed the words. He does NOT like to perform in public. His teacher told me that Tyce LOVED to play with the girls during play time. He is such a little flirt...I am going to be in trouble when this little blondie gets older!
Here is Tyce and Mrs. Brooke. Tyce has a habit of picking his fingernails, especially when he is nervous and you can see he is doing it in this picture...my brother Dane picks his nails so I blame him mostly.
Kamden finished 2nd grade this year! The 2nd graders had an AWESOME program where they celebrated America and sang a bunch of patriotic songs. Kamden kept telling me for weeks that I might cry during the last song which was "Proud to be an American". I have to admit I did get teary eyed! I was so impressed with how well the kids knew all the songs! Kam was a little sad that his dad didn't make it to the program (he was racing there and missed it by 5 min), but Brad made it up to him by checking him out of school and taking him out to lunch and then to Ross to buy some new basketball shorts! I love this handsome little boy and I can't believe that after next year he will be halfway done with grade school!
I tried taking a picture of the whole huge group but I was to far away and it was to dark to see anything. Besides we only really care about that good looking little stud anyway!
Then there's my KyKy! He graduated from Kindergarten! He was so proud! He kept saying "I'm so excited for 1st grade!". I can't even put into words how happy I am with his teachers this year and the progress he has made! I was so worried that he would be labeled the "bad kid" but it was completely the opposite. I'm pretty sure his teacher and Aid are going straight to heaven for the awesome work they do with these kids! I cried my eyes out after his graduation when I said goodbye to his teachers! They couldn't have been better! I keep joking with them that because my dad is the director of the school I am going to pull some strings and make sure they just follow Ky all the way to 6th grade...man I really wish I had that kind of power cuz I SOOO would!
Ky and Mrs. D (Dornan) aka "worlds best teacher"
The awesome aid for Ky's class Megan! They are like the Dream Team!
Oh and I just had to post this picture because I just couldn't leave Blakely out!...that, and she is just to cute for words in this outfit :)